Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pre-Exam Post (Final)

AHHHHHHHHH EXAMS START TOMORROW!!!!! and I still have a whole bunch of stats and psychology notes to go through...... how how how how how??!! Anyways, during the past 2 weeks, instead of studying I've been doing nonsense ie. Photoshop. Its immense fun vandalizing people's faces and turning them into Godzilla's cousin's spawn after having an unprotected "afternoon delight" with Ju-On..... Anyways as everyone loves to see the before and after pics, here are some of them :P Enjoy....

Before After

Before After

Before After

The first one wasnt much altered. Just the lighting was adjusted and extra makeup was put on as well as a lil' touch ups here and there. The second was done when I was quite lazy and nothing much was done so it looked rather wierd after that. The third one complained I turned her into a ghost..... :D

This should not be called Photoshop CS2.... It should be called PlasticSurgeon version 9.0 FREE! The difference may not be much but its still enhanced nonetheless..... No doubt even without artificial facelifts and enhancements, these girls look stunning and pretty as they are..... but PHOTOSHOP CAN DO BETTER!

*Names of the photoshop-ees will not be disclosed for confidentiality reasons*

Till then, will cya after the exams! Or at least after the first week....

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