Monday, July 28, 2008

Reveal le collection

Mmmm yes the first 5 pieces of this lineup is done! 3 more to go..... in suit of the mode-de-huit principle. Can't do much fancy pansy stuff for this lineup... it is after all the basic ready-to-wear couture lineup so as expected.... its been "tailor
ed" to specifically suit the price..... especially the orange one.... its an abomination and should be burnt gahahahahaha whatever! :D well what to do.... its all just business right? FASHION ... HAH XP oh heavens this is so very the bon chic bon genre!

3 more final pieces for this lineup to come in a bit..... before moving on to the crème de la crème lineup which will totally drag in the stupid nouveau riche idiots to buy it gahahahhahahahaah.... I still don't have a name for that one.... its so err.... je ne sais quoi?!

Till then, nothing to say so I send out XOXOXOXOXOs to me loves!

p.s. don't even think about it.... try and i'll sue your ass to hell

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